
Campus Safety

Your Health Matters

In the continuous battle against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), STI strongly prioritizes the health and safety of the students, faculty members, staff, and visitors in the campus. Know the institution’s precautionary measures to help prevent and stop the spread of the virus.


Wear a face mask when you feel sick

  • Prevent the spread of your illness by wearing a face mask
  • If you feel that others around you are sick, protect yourself by wearing a face mask

Do not touch your face

Specifically your eyes, nose, and mouth

Don't come to school if you have severe symptoms of infectious diseases

  • If you have severe symptoms of contagious diseases such as the flu, covid-19, chicken pox, measles, and the like, you may be permitted to be absent in school
  • It is encouraged to seek medical clearance from a doctor or a healthcare service provider upon return to classes after more than 3 days of absences

Observe cleanliness

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% of alcohol
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds


  • After coughing or sneezing
  • Before and after eating
  • After using the toilet
  • After touching doorknobs and other surfaces

Practice proper coughing & sneezing etiquette

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with flexed elbow

If tissue is not available







Gain more knowledge related to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Take care of yourself and your loved ones during the pandemic.


Keep yourself and your family safe by knowing how to sanitize your home.


Know the tech trends as wells as tips on how to stay safe on the internet.

Tech in Crisis: How We Survive the Lockdown


Test how much you know about the virus.



STI, with the help of local health departments and local government units, continuously monitors the COVID-19 pandemic and is taking heightened preventive measures and safety protocols in all of its campuses nationwide.

The safety of our community is our top priority in these trying times, so we’re doing our part to make things a little better.