
STI Quality Management System

STI Quality Management System

Quality Policy

As a leader in innovative and relevant education, STI implements a quality policy that complements its mission to provide knowledge through the development and delivery of superior learning systems.

STI is committed to the development and delivery of a learning system that is timely, updated, and cost-efficient.

It ensures a learning system that is relevant, responsive, and learner-centered to exceed customers’ needs, as well as meet industry competencies and applicable requirements, with strong emphasis on continuous improvement and quality assurance.

It adopts a quality management framework that continually reviews and improves its people and processes to attain its quality objectives.

This quality policy is disseminated and articulated to its people with organized openness for review to maintain suitability in support of its Enrollment-to-Employment Program (E2E).

Quality Objective

The quality management system specifically aims to:

  • Ensure error-free instructional materials;
  • Guarantee that instructional materials are updated and delivered at least two weeks prior to school use;
  • Exceed the faculty members' and learners' needs and demands on the quality of the courseware;
  • Provide employment opportunities by ensuring that STI attributes and industry skills, knowledge, and attitudes are reflected in the learning delivery programs and establishing partnerships with industries;
  • Support the effective delivery of courseware and implementation of student development programs through the STI Faculty Certification and School Personnel Training;
  • Nurture the essential life skills within the students through outcome-based activities;
  • Comply with the standards and statutory requirements of government regulating agencies;
  • Review and improve the learning delivery processes periodically; and
  • Communicate and orient all employees on the quality policy and objectives.

STI Learning Delivery System

The quality management system of STI focuses on the following processes which reinforce its Learning Delivery System

  1. Courseware Development;
  2. Faculty Certification;
  3. Faculty Training;
  4. Student Program Development; and
  5. Placement Assistance.

As a premier educational institution with a unique feature of having a network of campuses spread out nationwide, STI underscores the mission to ensure that all students receive the same quality of world-class learning wherever they are in the Philippines. To make this a reality, STI has established its “Learning Delivery System” anchored on five pillars: (1) courseware development; (2) faculty certification; (3) faculty training; (4) student development; and (5) placement assistance.

In courseware development, STI’s Learning Delivery System produces the courseware (learning) content that should be relevant, industry-based, and aligned with the intended graduate outcomes. STI centrally develops the courseware to ensure the standard delivery of all courses across all campuses in the STI network. The courseware is a set of teaching materials used by the faculty members and includes the course syllabus together with course description, learning outcomes, course outline, and references. In addition, presentation slides, class handouts, and other learning materials to be used in the sduration of the term are incorporated into the courseware kit. One of its important features is the Instructor’s Guide (IG), which supports the faculty in articulating the learning outcomes in each session; deploying the appropriate teaching methodologies; providing the context, tips, and other materials to teach the lesson.

To date, STI has developed courseware for over 500 courses and new courseware are being developed in the pipeline to accommodate new program offerings and other course inclusions prescribed by regulatory agencies. The existing courseware are regularly reviewed, updated or revised to keep pace with the changes and trends in the different industries, such as information and communications technology, engineering, business and management, tourism and hospitality management, accountancy, arts and sciences among others.

In faculty training, STI provides internal capacity building of its faculty members to hone and train them with the latest instructional tools and methodologies in the classroom. Faculty training is designed to evaluate training needs and demands as well as introduce a holistic system of learning opportunities to develop the faculty members’ knowledge, skills, behavior, and attitude to effectively perform their tasks and responsibilities. These training programs are aimed at both the technical competence of faculty over the courseware content and the instructional skill in delivering the courseware to the students in the classroom.

Corollary to faculty training, STI administers the faculty competency certification program which serves as process of evaluating a faculty member’s knowledge of the course in order to ascertain that s/he has at least the minimum level of competence needed to teach a specific course. Certification requirements include passing a comprehensive certification exam and garnering above average faculty evaluation ratings from superiors, peers, and students.

To complement the quality of our courseware and the competency of our faculty members, STI is committed on equipping students with the essential life-skills to succeed in the 21st century environment. This is reflected in focusing on the STI 4Cs - Character, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Change-Adeptness – which is embedded in a comprehensive process of program analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. These student development programs are carried out across the network of campuses with the whole-of-school accountability approach that inspires strong commitment and nurturing disposition of all STI personnel towards the students.

Ultimately, STI’s mission is for every student to be job-ready and gain wider opportunities for a successful career upon graduation. One of STI’s distinctive value propositions is the Job Placement Assistance, where STI primes up graduating tertiary students in their future careers through a comprehensive approach on job placement assistance. This includes employment preparation seminars, mock interviews and career fairs. As well as, mutually beneficial partnership with industries for graduate referral, internship opportunities, and industry-organized competitions for employment. STI gives the highest consideration on Job Placement outcomes as a measure of success since it firmly advocates for 'Vita Educationem' or Real-life Education.